Monday, March 26, 2012

March Madness

From the lack of posts this month, you'd think I haven't done much of anything! Really the opposite is true- I've been so busy this month I've barely had time to think, let alone write up blog posts.
March is always a busy month for Belletristics, and to add to the madness of wedding season, my husband and I recently bought our first house! We closed on February 29, and since then there's been lots of cleaning, demo, wall paper removing, sanding, priming, and painting going on.
Thankfully the bathroom (above left) is looking a little more complete now, and all the wall paper is all gone. We've nearly finished painting, and the floors in my soon-to-be office will be refinished this week. After that we still have some work to do (lots of tile to put in), but once we get moved in, things should be back to normal around here! 

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